Thursday, November 09, 2006

ka-boonk-bang... ka-boonk-bang

i love the intellegence of my border collie kaibu... he's always excited to entertain new ideas & learns quickly...

i got up to go for a run this morning, leaving sarah in bed as i do most mornings. i fed our maltese/silky mallie as she gets impatient & annoys sarah after i leave. i left the back sliding door open, with the screen door closed. yet kaibu 'the wonder dog' decided to teach himself a new trick...

ka-boonk-bang... ka-boonk-bang... ka-boonk-bang!

after opening & letting himself in the door (a well rehearsed & regular trick) he decided to head for the kitchen bin, step on the foot leaver & watch the lid fly up - not once, as some random fluke would have it, but over & over again! how does a dog (who doesn't normally scavenge) learn to to use a such a mechanism...

arrrh the miracles of life... ka-boonk-bang!

part 2 of the dog saga on sarah's blog

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

doing something new

new things can be intimidating. they can create angst, nervious energy and even anxiety. they can also create excitement, energy, and sheer exhilerated enjoyment!

i rode my bike 90kms on sunday for the MS society Sydney to Wollongong bike ride. 10,000 folk battled the southerly which blew all the way along the wetish roads to the gong.

it was my first serious bike ride. the sunday before i saddled up and took off for a couple of hours as prep, after about 60kms i was reasonable tired and a little sore, but comfortable with the effort.

sunday was different...

i loved the ride, at times it was tough, real tough. at times i felt like i was in a peleton riding with a bunch of other keen beans... but all in all i absolutely loved the challenge. the challenge to keep going; the challenge to preserve and restore energy; the challenge to stick on the wheel of others; the challege to overcome another hill; the challenge to finish...

so i rode. the same day on the other side of the world a particular chap i admire for his cycling pursuits, his sensationalised story of overcoming testicular cancer, and his dedication to the ongoing support of the cancer community, strapped on some running shoes and ran his first marathon. i love running, i run quite a lot, i don't run as much as Lance Armstrong used to ride, nor am i in anyway as competative in my ambitions, but as this shmuk pulled on the knics and jersey, another laced up his shoes.... why - to try something new...

p.s Lance's time in time in the NY marathon was 2:59.35 - I want to beat it...