Friday, December 15, 2006

5 things

5 things...

i’ve just been tagged by cheryl… So, 5 things you probably don’t know about me:

1. I have a 'tongue tie', which means the point joining the tongue and the bottom of the mouth is way close to the the tip of the tongue... (its cut now, which means i can almost poke my tongue out!)

2. i lost my wedding ring in the surf, and i was more pissed off than sarah!

3. i have played cricket at the SCG

4. when i was about 2yrs old i smashed my dad over the head (alledgedly - i can't remember it!) with a plate while he was bending over to put something in the cupboard .

5. i have a life long ambition to run a marathon - & i'm 1/2 way to fulfilling it!

i tag jools, jonno, darren, & rhax


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i knew none of those things about you! there you go.

nice redesign too!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

agree with Cheryl, v stylish new look. Had heard the wedding ring story before - but I'm intrigued by the SCG story now... any more details?

6:51 PM  
Blogger dw said...

thanks guys, scg... not as grand as it sounds. I filled in for my old man (broke his hand at cricket the weekend before) in a corporate cup event which invited all the corporate sponsors of the scg to a game day hosted by 4 shield/pura cup players - David Freedman, Shane Lee, Gavin Robertson, & my captain, Richard Chee Quee. Hit and giggle stuff, but i ended up winning joint man of the match for one of our games with un unbeaten 39 off my alotted 4 overs. Should have put Gavin Robinson over the fence but miss hit it meaning i hit the fence (alas, the days when hitting the fence was 4 not 6.... :( )

Great day and night - finished with a cocktail party which you can ask sarah about - it was back when we were first together!

8:52 PM  

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