Tuesday, May 02, 2006

EtS Station 1 - the anointing

the Anointing
(nurturing the spirit)

this station was created in a very plain room - in the centre was a low table, drapped with a red cloth and covered with lavender scented tealights; a large red candle; pot-puri; incense; and bowls of scented oil...

To the side of the room was a lamp with the following instructions:

Are our hands only for work & toil?
What do they say about us, about our spirit, our inner self?

Jesus was anointed before his death by a woman, perhaps Mary. She was criticised for wasting such extravagant and costly oil. Yet it was this action toward Jesus that showed abundant expressions of generosity, love and devotion.

Rub some oil into your hands. Massage the oil along your fingers and through your palms. Smell and feel this act of love.
be generous… be loving… be devoted…

This is the journey of the cross obedience, devotion, trust


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