Monday, April 24, 2006

EtS - Station 5 - footwashing

Foot washing

(in humility & service)

the footwashing had a 'shy' response. perhaps it was too counter-cultural. perhaps the water was too cold. perhaps it forced people to far beyond themselves and their comfort. perhapes it made people to vulnerable, to intimate. whatever the reason, it made it even more special when people partook in this amazing act of generosity, humility, vulnerability and service.

this was the final station, and in some ways it attempted to allow people an experience which was entirely spiritual, but something that could be simulated as they walked out the door... simulating the virtues of humility, vulnerability, generosity & service

the room was setup with a large plastic kids bath lined with black plastic. a few chairs & towels were scattered about the place. a lamp placed on the side wall directed people to the following:

Foot washing

(in humility & service)

Jesus washed his friends feet, demonstrating an act of generosity, humility, graciousness, & loyalty. This is an intimate action. If someone is by you, perhaps you could wash their feet, or allow them to wash yours. Alternatively bathe your own feet as a prayer of selflessness and commitment to service .

This is the journey of the cross:

service humility grace generosity


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